

The moment you and me have been waiting for. I FINALLY finished Ryan's graduation gift!!!

 You ready?

Here it is:

As you can tell this empy wall in the living room was in much need of some spice and character. I think it looks great right there. 

Now the colors are not what I had in mind, but I really like how the finished project turned out. For some strange reason I have been in a grey phase and everything I want to make needs to have some grey in it. I really liked how it matched my not so peachish "SMOOCHES." The ribbon I found after I painted "say i love you" on and it matched perfect!!!

This project took me a while to complete. I spray painted (a few times) the base color ivory. I then printed off the saying and cut out the letters and traced them on to the wood. Then I painted the letters and added some ribbon. I think it looks pretty good. I can't wait to do some others. This was a lot of fun!

You may be wondering why would I give this to my husband as a graduation gift. Well... when we were dating and engaged he always said that to me. I thought it was weird because I have never heard anyone use the word SMOOCHES before. Then once we got married he has been wanting a sign in our house that had that saying on it. I guess it is kind of our family motto. That is why I decided make him his sign.

Tell me what you think? What are some sayings or quotes you like to use in your homes?

1 comment:

  1. That is really cute! My favorite part is that it has real meaning--I want a cute quote, but I don't want one of those that you see everywhere. I love that yours has a story!


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