
Staying STRONG in the STORMS of Life

Sorry this post is a few days late. I am going to be sharing my thoughts I felt during the First Presidency Christmas Devotional this last Sunday. I needed to take some time to digest all my thoughts and feelings, so I would be able to convey my uplifting and loving message to you all.

I love watching the Christmas Devotional every year. It gets me to really think about the meaning of Christmas and how to incorporate the true meaning in our home. I am going to share my feelings I had during each talk and hopefully they will inspire you to find out for yourself the true meaning of Christmas. I believe once you truly understand the meaning of Christmas, your season will be great and your STORMS will fade away.

President Uchtdorf:
  • When I learn to open my hear and mind to the meaning of Christmas, I will witness a sincere expression of love for others.
  • Don't expect a perfect Christmas!
  • Christmas is a time to focus on Jesus Christ and my family.
  • The best gift I can give my Savior is a contrite spirit and a broken heart, going out doing good, loving Him, and following Him.
  • The Savior's gifts to me: immortality, forgiveness, and eternal life (and so much more).
  • He gives me and extends His mercies and gifts to me in my life every single day, but am I ready to see them and allowing Him to show/give them to me?
  • Christmas is a time to recommit to remembering and following the Savior in my life daily.
Presiden Eyring:
  • Read and ponder what John 3:16 really means.
  • Having true faith means keeping the commandments. Keeping the commandments means having eternal life.
  • I must learn to choose the right and walk in the light.
  • Light is an important gift the Savior has and has given me. It is through this light of Christ that I can conqueor my STORMS and overcome Satan's temptations.
  • There is no end in God's kingdom. He will continue on forever and so we will I, if I choose to follow in His steps and keep ALL my covenants and promises I made to Him at baptism, and in the temple.
  • When I recognize and remember the gifts that God has given me in life and I hsare those gifts with others, I am understand and applying the true spirit of Christmas.
President Monson:
  • He thanked me (and you) for watching this devotional and doing the right thing.
  • Learn why Christ is the center of this Christmas Holiday season.
  • I need to establish a tradition this Christmas Season that invites the spirit of Christ into my home and life.
  • I need to learn to recognize my errors.
  • Don't spend Christmas, keep it in my heart always. Keeping Christmas in my heart means keeping Christ in my life.
  • I shouldn't keep the spirit of Christmas in my life just at Christmas time, I should continue to keep the spirit of Christmas in my life throughout the entire year and in return I will feel and find more peace in my life. I will be able to stand STRONG in my STORMS of life.
Those are some of my thoughts I felt during the Devotional. Now you may not have heard or felt any of things, which is perfectly fine. The spirit speaks to you in a way you can understand and tells you what you need to hear.

 One other thingI felt and really don't know how to express to you perfectly, is how amazing the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ really is. When I came to deeply understand and learn of the Savior's birth I came to better understand the importance of life and why I am here, living in this dispensation. A few thoughts I ponder about, that I strongly encourage you to do the same. First, baby Jesus was born in a manager, not in a hospital or place that was fancied up. Second, baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes, not the most expensive, cutest outfit you can find. Third, I learned so much about parenting from Mary and Jospeh. Being a mom, I have so much respect for Mary, and she has given me so much courage and adivce. Fourth, baby Jesus was so pure and innocent just like all babies born today.

I know Jesus Christ is the Christ and it is because of Him I am here today. It is because of Him, I found an amazing husband, who supports and loves me. It is because of Him, I have a beautiful daughter and love dearly. It is because of Him I know how to love. It is because of Him, I want to share my love for His gospel with all. Enjoy this Christmas Season and remember to feel of His love and invite His into your home and all those you meet. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Believe in Yourself

I know some of you may have finals coming up or big events that need to have all these things done before you start the next phase of life. I have this story that I would like to share and hopefully as you apply it into your life,  you will be happier and feel very accomplished.

Believe in Yourself

"Harvey MacKay tells the story of a professor who stood before his class of 30 senior molecular biology students.
Before passing out the final exam he siad, 'I have been privileged to be your instructor this semester, and I know how hard you have worked to prepare for this test. I also know most of you are off to medical school or graduate school next Fall. I am well aware of how much pressure you are under to keep your grade point averages up. Because I am confident that you know this material, I am prepared to offer an automatic B to anyone who opts to skip taking the final exam.'
The relief was audible. A number of students jumped up from their desks, thanking the professor for the lifeline he had thrown them. 'Any other takers?' he asked. 'This is your last opportunity.' One more student decided to go.
The instructor then handed out the final exam, which consisted of two sentences. It read: 'Congratulations you have just received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.'"

It was a just reward for the students who had worked hard and believed in themselves. The Apostle Paul experienced more headaches and heartaches in a month than most of us will see in a lifetime. Yet he wrote, 'I cand do everything through Him who gives me strength.'
Come on; start believing in yourself, in the Christ who lives within you, in the gifts He's placed at your disposal, and the destiny to which He's called you.
Refuse to settle for a B when God has promised and called you to an A.
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