
Charlotte's Birth Story

Thursday morning I woke up around 4 am with contractions. I tried to go back to sleep, but I just couldn’t. I looked at my phone when I started to get a contraction and for that whole hour I had contractions every ten minutes. I wanted to wake Ryan up and tell him, but didn’t if it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. So I waited. Five o’clock came around and the contractions got a little stronger and occurred every seven minutes. Five-thirty rolls around and contractions pick up to five minutes apart. At this point I decided I should wake Ryan and tell him what is going on. Woke him up, he rolls over; I tell him I’ve been having contractions since four and thought he should know. He said “ok. You okay?” Then went back to sleep. I obviously couldn’t go back to sleep, so I grabbed the lap top and started to watch “Scrubs.” (Our weekly date-night show, hehe). I ended up watching half an episode, because the contractions got so strong, the only way I was able to breathe through them, was to be up walking around. Its six o’clock and my contractions are now three minutes apart. I tell Ryan and he asks me if we are going into the hospital, so he would be able to take care of things at work. I told him it was a good possibility, if the contractions kept going at the rate they were going. For the next hour I cleaned the kitchen and made blueberry muffins. A quarter to seven I called my Relief Society President told her I was in labor and if we could drop Zoie off at her place. We got things together and taken care of for Zoie, then took off to the hospital.

I read a couple hypnobirthing books. I worked on the breathing techniques during my last trimester, especially when I was in early labor and they really helped me stay relaxed. It was about an hour drive to the hospital and those breathing techniques really helped me get through the contractions. Ryan was a big help and kept reminding me to breathe and relax my body. Something that works for me to help me not tense my body during a contraction is to have Ryan squeeze my hand while I focus on my breathing. Oh man, it works wonders. It’s weird I know, but what a difference it makes.
We get to the hospital and go up to the Labor and Delivery floor and get checked in. I checked in at 8:30am. They took me to my room; I changed into my gown and crawled into the hospital bed. My amazing nurse Linda had to ask me all the routine questions while another nurse was trying to put the IV into my arm. I tested positive again for Group B strep, except this time it was in my urine, so they needed to get the antibiotics in me as soon as they could. With Zoie, it took them six times and three different nurses to put the IV in my arm, this time around it took two nurses and three times. I HATE getting IV’s!!!!! The IV ended up in my elbow again (where they draw blood from normally). It was very uncomfortable and hard to move my right arm. Once all the necessary things were taken care of my doctor, Dr. Jensen came in to check my cervix. At my appointment Tuesday I was dilated to 3cm, so I was really hoping for some progress. It was about 9:45-10:00am when she checked and I was dilated to 5cm and 70% effaced. I was so stoked and started smiling. I was so happy and kept telling everyone how happy I was.

Of course, now all that was left to be done was to wait until my body and this baby girl was ready to go. I asked Ryan to give me a priesthood blessing. One of the things he said in his blessing stayed with me during the whole labor and delivery process. He said, “The Lord will be with you and will help you stay strong.” At that moment I knew I was going to have the strength and endurance to deliver my healthy baby girl.
After the blessing, I found that the only way for me to get through each contraction was to be up moving around and then to get down on the floor onto my hands and knees and rock back and forth. Then once the contractions picked up and got even stronger, I sat in the Jacuzzi. Man that was AWESOME and the BEST decision I made for this labor. I sat in that Jacuzzi for 40 minutes, during these 40 minutes Ryan talked to me and read the entire menu to me. Then I had to get out, so Linda could track the contractions and so Dr. Jensen could check my cervix. At this point, 11:00am, I was dilated to 7cm and 100% effaced. We just needed to wait for me to fully dilated to 10cm. I was excited, but so ready. The contractions were starting to really hurt me and making it hard for me to relax.  

I told my doctor and my nurse that I wanted give birth 100% naturally, no medicine, no epidural, nothing. After Doctor Jensen checked me she had to go do a surgery and said that she’ll be done in an hour and when she comes back we’ll have a baby. I was very excited to hear her say that. After she left, I jumped back into the Jacuzzi, but this time, it didn’t help me as much. Ryan was there holding my hand, and I kept telling him each contraction, “I want to push, I’m ready, she’s ready, I want to push.” He went and told Linda this and she came in and helped me out and checked my cervix. I didn’t have much change in my cervix, about 7.5 cm almost 8cm dilated, but the baby’s head had dropped a lot and was ready. So she was ready to come, but my body apparently wasn’t ready to help her enter this world. J It was 12:00pm and Dr. Jensen should be about done with her surgery and coming this way to deliver this baby girl. Linda, kept paging Dr. Jensen, because I kept telling her I was ready to push and was going too. I also kept telling them that Zoie was born at 12:19pm and it would be funny if I had this girl at 12:19pm too. J Dr. Jensen showed up at 12:15pm and they got me all ready to deliver. Dr. Jensen broke my water. After she broke my water, I was all ready to go and get this girl out of me. But nothing happened. The contractions weren’t painful anymore and I was all relaxed. Needless to say I was a little bummed. It was about 12:20pm and nothing was happening. Dr. Jensen told me this was normal, and just to wait. It’ll come soon and it’ll come fast and strong. So while we waited, I talked a lot and laughed a lot. According to my nurse, I was high on carbon dioxide, from all that breathing I was doing through my contractions. J I told them I must be a really strange and weird pregnant woman about to give birth, because I was laughing and kept saying I wanted to get her out so I can eat. I was starving and hadn’t had anything to eat since 7:00pm Wednesday evening. I really liked my nurse and doctor. Ryan was great the whole time. Then 12:25pm came around and BAM everything started to happen. I’m going to be completely honest, pushing hurt so bad. My doctor and nurse would tell me when to push, once I told them a contraction was coming and Ryan kept telling me how great I was doing and that I could do this. At one my point all three of them told me one more push, and hearing that I dug deep and pushed as hard as I could and for as long as I could. When I was done, I was expecting to hear my baby girl crying, but no, that was one last push so my doctor could see her head. Oh, it made me so upset. I was in so much pain and I had no more energy to push. I just couldn’t get myself to do it. Ryan was great and very supportive. A few times, my hips started to cramp up while I was pushing and that just made my pain shoot through the roof.  To recoup and get a little energy in me, my doctor told me to just breathe through a contraction instead of pushing and I did and it helped a bit. After that contraction, I told Ryan and Linda, that they were going to have to yell at me to push. That was one of the ways I was able to get myself to do it. Weird, I know. Crazy? Yes. But, hey don’t judge me, it worked and I saw my little girls head and with one more push she would be in my arms. At 12:47pm on the 28th of June 2012, I heard my little girl crying and she was in my arms. My labor was eight hours long, only an hour in a half longer than Zoie.

It was the most amazing and happy feeling ever. She was covered with blood and all that white gunk, but to me she was the most precious and beautiful little girl. Ryan and I looked at her for a while, and decided on her name. Charlotte Leigh Congdon. We named her after my mom. Charlotte weighed 6lbs 9oz, her height is 20 ¾ in, and her head circumference is 12in. She’s just a tiny little girlie.

The spirit was definitely felt as she entered into this world, and I can’t help but think of the wonderful opportunity we had to be in the presence of the Lord moments before her arrival. We are so excited to have Charlotte part of our family. Zoie loves her so much, sometimes a little too much. We love her so much and are excited to be the parents of two amazing, wonderful, sweet little girls.


  1. What a wonderful story! Both the girls are adorable! Congrats on your new blessing! :)

  2. Thanks for posting her birth story! I'm glad everything went so well and that baby and mom are healthy. We can't wait to meet her in the Fall.

  3. Congratulations Hilary!! She is perfect!!

  4. Thanks for writing the birth story! We can't wait to meet her this weekend!

  5. Great Job Hill, way to be tough! Hope everything is great at home and you are having fun with mom and soon enough dad! love ya!


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