
The Blue Bonnet Queen

Saturday I pulled out some plastic containers for Zoie to play with. She had lots of fun. She is in the stage where she will watch us do something and copy us. The other day I taught her how to give a high five and its so much fun to say, "Zoie high five" and she will do it, unless she is more interested in something else. Anyway, I pulled out an old butter container that we have and gave it to her to play with. This is how Zoie became the Blue Bonnet Queen:

Not so sure what to think

I can make noise with it and pick it up. Cool.

Mom what are you doing putting things on my head

Okay, I guess this is fun!!

1 comment:

  1. She is SO adorable! What a beauty/cutie! Love you guys! PS I've decided that there is enough room in our tiny studio for another air mattress so if you guys want to come visit you should!


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