
Easier to Find

Whenever we go out with the bug, I pack up my bag with the essentials (diapers, wipes, toys, wallet, keys, phone, snacks, etc). That's a lot of stuff right?! How am I suppose to find anything in my bag, especially when I desperately need a diaper. I can never find them, they always fall to the bottom of the bag and are all squished up. Moms, have you ever had that problem? I have it all the time.

No more worries, thanks to Ashley over at  Make-it & Love-it .She has a tutorial that I was able to make a diaper/wipe case. Which can be found HERE. It took me a while to make, and for some reason I couldn't follow or understand her directions, so at one point I just improvised and made it work for me. Now it fits perfectly in my bag and easy to find and grab quickly.

There is room for diapers and the wipe case!!! All in one deal!!

Now go on and make yours. Make life a little eaiser for you and add more space to your bag! I love mine!!


  1. How would you rate this project difficulty-wise: would it be easy for a beginner-who-doesn't-really-like-sewing-but-is-willing-to-give-it-a-try? I'm thinking for a gift.

  2. That is super cute! I need a sewing machine!


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