
Living Room IV

Well... it's about time I posted about my mirror! It would have been done a while ago, but I had my husband screw the back of the board to the mirror and he accidentally cracked part of the mirror. So I needed to figure out what to do to keep this mirror. I came up with a brilliant solution with the help of a friend.

Said friend has a Vinyl Creates shop and she has been a great source to start and finish my projects. When I told her about my mirror and we talked about putting some design to go over the crack, that wasn't just feeling right, because I didn't think it would cover the whole crack. Then she told me she has chalkboard vinyl! I loved that idea. I could write little sayings, scriptures, quotes, holiday sayings, etc. on it. And who has a mirror with chalkboard vinyl on it?! With that, I went ahead and had her cut a design for me that wasn't just a strip, but had a little character to it.

I sanded the mirror down, stained the wood a dark walnut, and cut a piece of plywood to hold the mirror in the place.Here is the before picture!

Thanks to my amazing, wonderful, talented husband, he pieced the mirror all back together and hung it up for me. (I hope it doesn't fall:)) Here is our mirror! What do you all think?

Keep in mind that once I piece my quilt together it will hang underneath the mirror. I love how it turned out and am excited to finally cross this off the project list.



Today officially marked the first day of Autumn! It's a beautiful autumn day and how could we not spend it outside?! We ended up going up onto SVU's campus to play Frisbee with some friends. It was a lot of fun. Zoie had fun chasing Daddy around and playing in the big tree and dirt. She would sometimes even shout for them to throw her the Frisbee. Charlotte finished her nap in the stroller then got up to look around and "play." We had a great afternoon.


Shapes. Colors. Glue Sticks.

Zoie and I had some fun this morning, but we made it a fun learning experience as well. I cut out shapes
and told Zoie what they were. She used her glue stick to draw circles and lines and then would put the shapes on top, then she'd color. It was fun. Every time she finished putting the shapes on top of the glue she would say "ta da." I love her. Here is her with her finished picture. 


Wednesday I had a team bonding activity planned for my volleyball girls. Our District league started up yesterday and I thought it would be fun for the girls to make their own volleyballs to hang up in the gym. Zoie had a lot of fun making her volleyball. Here are our volleyballs we made. Zoie went crazy with the glitter and glue sticks, but she had so much fun. I let her be creative and do her own thing.

* remember this *

"Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other."

-- Carol Saline



Yes, that's right fall has officially arrived here in town. I am so excited. I LOVE this season. I love seeing the leaves change, the slight cold breeze, the smells, the holidays, the activities, the events, and especially the memories.

This season meant school started, which to me meant I could play volleyball. It was great. I still feel this way, but it's not as exciting as it once was, because now I don't play competitively anymore. I do get excited to coach my volleyball girls and start a crazy season once again.

Now, this season reminds me of meeting the best man that has ever happened to me. Ryan. We met during fall (football and volleyball seasons :)). All of our good times and "special" occasions happened during fall. Our first date, first kiss, first walk, holding hands, dancing, singing, laughing, drinking hot chocolate, swinging at the park, getting kicked out of the park (story for another time) and so much more. This is a season of memories that I'll always cherish, will always be with me, and I'll always think of during this time of the year.

Here is a picture Ryan took of all the leaves that have fallen off and are changing color. Isn't it just beautiful?!

So on this here fall day, what do the kids and I do. Well, we first started off dancing to music, then cleaning, then going outside to play in the leaves, kick a ball around, and race. Zoie loves racing with me along our pathway to the house. We run that back and forth probably like 1000 times before she is tired and ready to come inside. It was a lot of fun.
While we were out there Zoie loves to just sit and watch the sky and see if she can see any "tweets" flying around (in case you didn't get it, that is how she identifies birds). We saw a few today, but the miraculous discovery Zoie had was seeing a butterfly. She has seen them before, but they have never come close to her before. She loved it. It flew by her head, "tickle ear mommy", sher said, (tickled Zoie's ear) and sat on a rock for a few seconds. Long enough for Zoie to get a good look at it. She was so excited.
When we were done playing outside we came in had some lunch, then played with some play-dough. Zoie wanted to stamp our names with the letters so I rolled out some dough, gave her the letters, and she stamped them down. It was so cute. She had a lot fun and kept repeating the letter over and over again.  Here is how they turned out.
We had so much fun today. I love spending time with my girls and creating fun, exciting, interesting memories with them. Charlotte loved being outside and was just smiling up a storm while we running and kicking balls with Zoie. My Bug and Little Miss are awesome girls and I am glad they are in my life. They are my other greatest blessing!!




Our Morning

This is how the girls and I spend most of our mornings.

Zoie and I play and do something creative and fun. Today we made a space suit out of a cardboard box and played with play dough. Charlotte napped. Charlotte did play with us a bit before her nap, well she just sat there as Zoie and I cut the holes in the box.
I have so much fun playing with girls and helping them create things or learn something new. I'm excited for next week and I start doing a  pre-pre-school with school oh and it's her 2nd birthday. Well, everyone enjoy your Monday. More updates on the girls another time. 


* remember this *

"Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other."

-- Carol Saline


Staying STRONG in the STORMS of Life

Life is hard! My life is hard! Why is Satan always trying to bring me down? Make me feel miserable? Why me? Why now?

It is always hard to find peace in any trial or challenge that you are going through. I, sometimes, don't want to find that peace because I am just so mad and not ready to let it go. I'm human, that's how I function. I was driving home from work last Thursday morning and I am listening to one of our Church Cd's and this song comes on, "Where Can I Turn for Peace?". There couldn't of been a more perfect timing for me to hear this song. I needed to hear it specifically at that time. I knew the Lord loved me and was ready to help me.

Where Can I Turn for Peace?
Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart, Searching my soul?
Where, when my aching grows, Where, when I languish,
Where, in my need to know, where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand? He, only One.
He answers privately, Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Constant he is and kind, Love without end.
There really is only one way to have a peace of mind and feel at peace with any trial you face. That way is through our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. He knew we would go through difficult trials and that is why He bleed from every pore for me and you. That is why He suffered a great deal.
I know through Him, I am able to overcome my difficult trial and create an even stronger bond with Him, that will make it that much harder for Satan to get through and break. Because of the Saviors Atonement, I am able to continue working hard on staying STRONG in my STORMS of life.


* remember this *

"Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other."
-- Carol Saline
In the ball cart at volleyball practice

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