

The other day, I was really exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep. Zoie was up and wanting to play with me. I didn't feel like playing and  I couldn't just go to sleep. I told myself I'd wait until I put her down for her nap, then I can go to sleep.

I waited for about 5 minutes, then told Zoie that mommy was really tired and didn't want to play. Mommy just wants to take a nap. So, she went and grabbed one of her books, climbed up and layed with me on the couch and we read  a couple books then we both took a long nap on the couch together. It was great and she went down and hour earlier than normal for her nap. I think she loves me. :)

I love my little girl and I know she is going to be such a big help when her little sister arrives in a few weeks.  Thanks for taking a nap with me Zoie. Love you girlie!!!

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