
Zoie's Big Girl Bed

Today, I organized Zoie's room to get it all ready for her new big girl bed. A lady in our ward was giving away twin beds and we decided to take her up on that free offer and get one for Zoie. Zoie helped me put the sheets and everything on. She absolutely LOVES her new bed and is very excited to sleep in it.

Now onto the adventures of her falling off and not staying in her bed. It will be a fun, challenging experience for us. Here goes, wish us luck!!!


  1. It looks great! Wish you got both beds so I can come have a sleepover!
    Good luck with sleeping. I might have a guardrail for it if she falls out too much.

  2. i bought a rail for milos bed at walmart for $20... works great!!

  3. Charlotte looks loke a dolly next to Zoie!


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