
What A Day!

We have had quite the day today, well sort of. Zoie had an appointment to get her shots. I feel so bad for her, but I know in the long run it will help. I take her to get her shots, because Ryan doesn't want to be the bad guy (I also think it's because he doesn't want to see his little girl in pain and crying). So we get there only to find out Zoie is no longer on medicad insurance. I was a little upset because she is suppose to be on medicad until she is a year old. I called our social service worker and guess what she said?! Zoie was no longer on medicad because we moved and they couldn't get in touch with us!! You would think they could have called or something. Thankfully, Zoie is on medicad now!!!

I love and dislike it when Zoie gets shots. I love it because she is all cuddly, she takes really long naps during the day and sleeps a little longer at night. I dislike it because she hardly eats anything the rest of the day. Ryan pointed out that I don't like to eat when I don't feel good and so I guess I can understand her, but at the same I don't like it. Ryan told me to think of her as another "little person." :)

Zoie cuddling with daddy.

I had some "extra" time today because Zoie took long naps and such. That I made her another pair of leggings and two pillows for our couch. It was so much fun and I am having a blast and can't wait to start others I have in mind.


  1. Way cute leggings and pillows! I didn't think you liked crafts, but I know that I didn't do anything crafty until I finished school and stayed at home either! I really like the leggings you made today, you'll have to post a picture of Zoie wearing them sometime! I hope she feels better from her shots! Calvin was never bothered by them after a few seconds, but Emily seems to be sore or something for awhile longer. So tell Zoie that her cousin in Charlottesville knows how she feels :) Oh, when were you guys thinking of going to the temple?

  2. Oh thanks... yeah... i didn't have much time to be crafty with school and everything, but I guess being a mom (for me at least) makes me want to be all crafty. I am slowly working on making our apt our home. I think we may be planning on going when ryan has spring break which would be march 7-13. So somewhere between there.

  3. Zoie is so cute! I think she looks like you! Shots are awful. They are even worse when they get old enough to know what's going on. Now when Ella has to go to the dr she automatically starts crying how her legs hurt. Very sad!!

  4. Awww...thats so sad. I am not looking forward to those days!!! Your family is really cute and ella is just precious.


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