
"I stick my tongue out at you!"

That is the phase Zoie is at right now, "I stick my tongue out at you!" Sunday evening we went over to a friends house to celebrate his birthday and their daughter Ivy (she is about 2 weeks younger than Zoie) learned how to spit and make bubbles. It's really cute. Ever since that night Zoie has been sticking her tongue out like crazy and attempting to blow bubbles. It's hilarious to watch. I guess Zoie is going to be a visual learner. She wathes you do something and maybe if she wants to will try it later on:) This evening I was playing with her and I stuck my tongue out at her and she responds by sticking her tongue out at me. So I quickly grabbed the camera to capture our "tongue war." Sorry some of the pictures may be blurry, we were moving, but you can see her tongue and how much she loves to stick her tongue out.

This was right after I stuck my tongue out at her

just too cute-- a little smile in there

just because I can now. :)

I am enjoying Zoie's new discoveries every day and can't wait for the next. Zoie is having a blast as well and gets really happy and all sorts of excitedness when she learns something new. 


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