
Ryan's 27th Birthday

Ryan turned 27 in November. We were so excited to celebrated his birthday and he was excited to receive all his gifts and "Happy Birthday to you's." He spent most of his birthday at work and in class. He loved all his gifts and that weekend took him out on a "fancy" date.

His Angel Food Birthday cake with chocolate frosting. The girls wanted to put sprinkles on and so I let them do that. They loved it. Then there are 2 and 7 candles on separate sides to make "27" haha.... so clever right?

Eating Daddy's cake. They were such a chocolate mess afterwards, but the loved they cake, I think they both ate all the frosting and maybe a few bites of the actual cake itself.

Here is all his birthday gifts!

Kettle Bell

Names of Christ star ornaments 

Basket of Goodies

Then I was able to get all dressed up and look fancy to take him out on a date. May be a while before we can do this again. It was a great birthday and the girls loved everything we did. Zoie loved telling Daddy "Happy Birthday" every time she saw him. We love him so much and love celebrating him. 

Happy Birthday Ryan!

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