
Santa Clause Is Coming To Town

A little late on Christmas updates, but it's here now.

We spent Christmas with my side of the family. Everyone was home and it was a blast. Zoie loved being around everyone and being the center of attention. Christmas Eve, we all hung out at home, played card games, charades (a must christmas tradition), ate yummy food, watched "A Christmas Story", and frosted cookies.

Right before we were getting ready to put Zoie down for the night, Santa Clause shows up. It was exciting. Zoie didn't like him to much. She was okay while I was with her, but alone not so much, as you can tell.

1 comment:

  1. No baby and not too many children really wan to sit with Santa - expecially without time to get used to it. Ryan used to freak out if Chuckie Cheese stopped at out table to visit. Mind you - he was a giant mouse - but even at 3 he hated it.


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