
Awww... Moment for Ryan

A few weeks ago, Zoie was sick with a stuffy nose and so she couldn't breath well when she went to bed. She has been sleeping through the night for some time now, but not since she got sick (she does now again, thank goodness!). But when she wasn't I would go get her and cuddle with her in her room in the rocking chair until she fell asleep again. Once she was asleep I would put her down in her bed and she would wake up crying, so I decided that the only way for me to get to sleep was to bring her into bed with us (I usually don't do this, but under the circumstance, I did).When I did that she was out and I was able to get some sleep. Ryan got up early the next morning to get ready for work and while he was getting ready he saw us and thought that it was sweet how we were asleep together in bed. So, he took a picture with his phone, not the best quality picture but you can see us and get the idea. It was one of the many "Awww... moments for Ryan!"

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