
Library Time

I do my best to take the girls to the Library in Lexington where Dad works at least once a week. They love to go and play and read, but mostly because they get to see Dad. We usually go on Thursdays and that's his long day. So it makes it even more special for the girls.

The other week we went and the girls just sat and played by themselves and with each other for a good 30-40 minutes. It was the sweetest thing ever!


  1. Zoie's hair is getting long! The girls look just like you Hillary! It's so crazy! Can't believe this is all happening! It's like yesterday us sisters were talking about this stuff and playing pretend! haha

    1. I know her hair is getting really really long, I love it. I am growing her bangs out and they are in that awkward stage. :) It does seem like yesterday we were talking and playing pretend. Man, we couldn't wait until all of this happened, for us to get older and stuff. It's weird how time flies, when you look back, but in the moment it lasts forever!


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