
White Christmas Pt. 1

We traveled up to Vermont to visit my in-laws for Christmas. It's about a 12-13 hour drive. We left when it was time to put the girls to bed, 7:30pm, so they'd sleep most of the drive. It was great. This year nothing went wrong on our drive up. YAY! We made it to Vermont right before the snow started to get heavy, 6am. We stopped and ate a Denny's. It was delicious. Then made it to my in-laws. They both worked that day, so we were able to unpack a bit, get a load of laundry started, clean the house up a bit, took long naps, and get dinner ready.

Christmas Eve, we finished up some shopping, and went to the Vermont Country Store. Apparently, Ryan loves this store and thinks it is amazing. Well, it was pretty amazing. We got to taste a lot of food and treats, and it was nice to just walk around together and enjoy some quality time.

[keep in my that my camera died the week before we left for Vermont, so I didn't get many pictures this trip. I'm really bummed. But my husband is an amazing, wonderful man and remembered that and yes I got one for Christmas.]

Christmas morning, Zoie, Charlotte, Ryan, and I were up at 6am. Zoie was so excited to see her stocking full and presents for her. Zoie helped me get breakfast together. We made cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon for everyone. It was a delicious breakfast and very satisfying. Then we hung out the rest of the day waiting for the rest of family to arrive. When they showed up everyone was excited to see each other and open stockings and presents. Zoie loved it and helped pass presents to everyone, she also wanted to help open everyone presents.

Zoie loves all of her gifts and is so excited to play with them. Charlotte also loves her toys and enjoys putting everything in her mouth. Ryan and I also love our gifts and are putting them to good use.

This is the only picture I have of Christmas day, opening stockings

1 comment:

  1. I didnt get too many Christmas pics either because I was doing the passing out but I will email you what I did get.


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