
Valentine's Day Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

As 2011 ends, we can’t help but step back and ponder on the wonderful things that happened to us this year. We were given amazing opportunities, ever-lasting memories, and difficult trials, but most of all fun-loving adventures.

Ryan is an incredible husband, father, friend, and leader. His testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ is what keeps our family strong and centered. He graduated from Southern Virginia University in April with a degree in English. We were so glad he finished no more late night readings, and papers to write. It took a while and tons of applications filled out and tons of interviews, but Ryan was fortunate to have found a job that he enjoys doing. He works at the Library in the Children Story Time and Craft department as well as the Reference Desk. The kids absolutely love him and look up to him a lot. He is still the 1st Counselor in one of the University Student Wards Bishopric. This is our second year involved with young adults and we enjoy being there for them. Ryan loves his life as father. He gets excited to come home from work and know that Zoie is waiting by the door for him to play.

Hillary had a busy and eventful year. She is the Head Volleyball Coach at the High School. She loved the girls, the experiences she had, and above all, the example she became in each of their lives. She also started to coach at a local volleyball club. Hillary continues to work at Gold’s Gym teaching Body Flow and is in training to teach a high-intense cardio work-out known as Body Attack. Fortunately, all her jobs allow her to bring Zoie. Zoie loves to come to the gym and play with her friends as well as get all the attention and love from the volleyball girls. Hillary loves being a mom and helping Zoie develop her talents and skills—the life of a Mom. J

Zoie turned 1 in September and she is getting big. She has adjusted well into this life. She has learned and accomplished many, many things. Zoie started walking around 10 months and that became the most fun-filled adventure for her. We are teaching her sign language and she is picking up on it quite well. She can sign, all done, more, please, water, and eat. Not only has she caught on to signing, but she caught on to talking. She can say, mom, dad, hi, where’s daddy, what’s this, what’s that, dog, car, yes and much more. We’ve decided that we aren’t going to have the child that asks all the “Why” questions, but asks all the “What’s this” and “What’s that” questions. J Zoie loves to explore and be outside and play with her friends. She is one very active girl and we definitely have our hands full.

We are expecting Baby #2 on July 3rd. We are anxiously waiting to know what we are having, but probably not as anxious the baby itself. This baby moves a lot, but very differently than Zoie. We are excited to add to our family and have another little one around the house. Zoie is starting to understand what is happening, which is great. Come July we are going to have our hands and house full.

Our family journey is just beginning and we couldn’t be more grateful for the experiences we receive. Having the Savior, Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father in our lives constantly is a blessing. We pray that the spirit of the Lord may dwell with and bless you and your family. If you would like to stay update with our family life, please visit our blog at ryanandhillary.blogspot.com.

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