
Sister Time

I really want my family to be close to one another. I want them to enjoy spending time as a family. I want them to want to spend time as a family and with their siblings.

With that being said, I do my best each day to let the girls have some sister time alone. Alone, without Mom telling Zoie to be "careful", "gentle", "soft", etc and telling Charlotte "it's okay", "you're fine", etc. I am hoping it makes them rely on each other, to trust each other, and be closer to each other.

So, I put the girls in their CLEAN room, keep in mind the emphasis on the word CLEAN, to play. I go do the dishes and come back a bit later and this is what I find.

A Huge Blocks of a Mess! 

 They had fun together!

Zoie would build a "castle" and apparently Charlotte would reach for it and knock it over :)

I'm glad they had some "sister time." I LOVE my Girls!

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh! It's amazing how quickly kids can made a mess. They look like they are having fun.


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